Willkommen bei MOOo by the Castle!

Möchten Sie sich während Ihres Aufenthalts im privaten Wellness unseres Schwesterhotels Mosaic House Design Hotel entspannen?

Bitte kontaktieren Sie unsere Rezeption unter +420 778 451 841 oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an castle@mooo-apartments.com

Liebe Gäste,
Wir möchten Sie darüber informieren, dass unser Hotel niemals eine Zahlung oder die Eingabe Ihrer persönlichen Daten über einen Online-Link verlangt.
Im Zweifelsfall kontaktieren Sie uns bitte jederzeit.
Vielen Dank.


MOOo APARTMENTS – Terms and Conditions


The contract shall come into force upon MOOo APARTMENTS´ acceptance of the customer’s application. At its discretion, the hostel may confirm the room reservation in writing.

The parties to the contract are MOOo APARTMENTS and the customer. If a third party placed the order on behalf of the customer, then that party shall be liable vis-à-vis MOOo APARTMENTS for all obligations arising from the hotel accommodation contract as joint and several debtors together with the customer, in so far as the hotel has a corresponding statement by the third party.

Any claims against MOOo APARTMENTS shall generally be time-barred one year after the commencement of the general statute of limitations dependent upon knowledge of Civil Court.
This is a confirmed booking. We will hold your room for the entire day and night of arrival.

Cancellation Policies

Reservations can be changed or cancelled free of charge up to 7 days prior to the arrival date. In case of late cancellation, a cancellation fee of 50 % of the total value of the reservation will be charged. In case of a no-show, a no-show fee of 100 % of the reservation value will be charged. You may call to cancel, however, we must also receive a cancellation email as well. Send all cancellation emails to castle@mooo-apartments.com. Cancellations are only valid if you receive an email confirmation of your request from us. If you do not receive a response it means we have not received your cancellation request! Please keep a copy of the cancellation email, in case you are requested to show it.

Booking Validity

For groups of 6 or more apartments, please contact us via email – castle@mooo-apartments.com. WE DO NOT ACCEPT STAG or HEN PARTIES. We might decline all group bookings made online unless we are contacted before. Group Bookings are a subject to a prepayment and adjusted cancellation conditions. Bookings made for 7 or more nights may be subject to a prepayment and adjusted cancellation conditions. You will be advised via email.


If you choose payment by credit card when booking you will be charged 100% of the total amount. If you choose a Non-Refundable price you will be charged 100% of the total amount. If you decide to pay upon arrival your reservation must be secured by your credit card. The accommodation amount is payable at the time of check-in latest, unless otherwise specified. We accept cash payments in CZK as well as credit/debit cards. We do not accept Dinners Club and Union Pay. All reservations will be charged in local currency CZK, using an internal exchange rate.

Damage clause

By clicking the box which signifies that you accept MOOo Apartments´ terms and conditions, you acknowledge and accept responsibility for any damage caused to MOOo APARTMENTS by you, other members of your party, or anyone invited to MOOo APARTMENTS by you or anyone in your party. Further, you hereby authorize MOOo APARTMENTS to charge your credit card (the same credit card that is used to secure this reservation) for the entire amount required to restore the damaged area back to the condition it was prior to your arrival.

Mews Privacy Policy
This “Privacy policy” describes the way MEWS SYSTEMS, s.r.o., Business ID No 242 27 781, with its registered office at Maiselova 25/4, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague 1 („MEWS“) collects, processes and protects your personal data.

The MEWS Privacy policy applies on data processing within hoteling and reservation system MEWS and to those services provided by MEWS where personal data are processed.

The MEWS Privacy policy applies to services MEWS which incorporate this policy or contain a link hereto notwithstanding the fact whether these services are provided via the website, mobile device, TV, computer or another device capable of intermediation of MEWS services.

The MEWS Privacy policy does not apply to services provided by MEWS with their own privacy policy.

I. Data Collection

MEWS is a hotel reservation system ensuring administration of reservations and further hotel operations, including administration of requirements of hotel guests. MEWS system is licensed and used by hotels being licensees of MEWS (the “Contracting parties”). In these situations, the data are collected only by the Contracting parties and MEWS does not have any access to these personal data. Handling of these personal data is governed by the privacy policy of the respective Contracting party.

In order to use further complementary services provided by MEWS and to obtain effective access to tailored offers for hoteling and other services for your travel, you must create a user account and to provide MEWS with certain personal data required for the registration process („User account“). The data provided to MEWS within the registration process shall be further processed by MEWS.

Should you express your consent thereto, even your personal data provided to a Contracting party could be uploaded into your User account profile. These data shall subsequently also be processed by MEWS and the rules set out by this Privacy policy shall be fully applicable to these operations.

II. Purpose of Data Processing

MEWS processes your data if it is necessary for the provision of its services and, generally, in order to fulfil all its obligations vis-à-vis its customers.

MEWS processes your data for the following purposes:

Registration and creation of User profile and granting access to services of MEWS;
Profiling services of the Contracting and other parties;
Evaluation and analysis of the market;
Monitoring, evaluation and enhancing the quality of services provided by MEWS; and
Archiving of internal records.
MEWS shall within the extent enabled by legal regulations (a) combine the personal data provided by you via your User account with the information provided otherwise (e.g., via the Contracting party with your consent); and (b) store this information collectively in one or more separate databases.

MEWS shall not store your personal data for a longer period than what is necessary given the purposes for which they were provided or collected, i.e. it will typically process your data for the period of your registration via a User account. Subject to situations set out below, your personal data will be removed once you inform MEWS that you do not wish to use MEWS’ services anymore. MEWS shall retain only those of your data serving legitimate purposes (e.g., some data are required to be retained by legal regulations, some data are necessary for being able to continue the mutual relationship with you – for instance for billing purposes, etc.) Further, the data shall be retained also if the removal of your personal data requires undue efforts or costs – in these cases, the personal data shall be dislocated and not entirely removed. MEWS shall neither collect an excessive amount of personal data nor other information which are not relevant for the purposes for which the personal data are collected.

III. Data Categories

MEWS shall require the provision of the following personal data for the purposes set out above, including:

phone number
e-mail address
MEWS collects the data you send to your User account. This is done typically within the registration of User account (or if you upload your data to your User account at any time after that). Other data are obtained by MEWS once you express your consent with sharing your data collected in connection with the services provided by the Contracting parties.

Some of these data are considered as “personal data”. It means that these data and information relate to you and may be used for your identification.

IV. Direct Marketing

MEWS may use your data for marketing purposes, i.e. in order to inform you of its services which may, according to your past preferences, be of interest to you. These communications shall strictly adhere to applicable legal regulations.

Advertising and marketing materials of the Contracting or other parties shall be sent to you only, if you opted in for these communications within the registration process, via e-mail or otherwise.

Your decision on direct marketing may be withheld in accordance with the opt-out rules described in each marketing e-mail or other form of communication. It can be done via changing the settings of your User account or via direct contacting of MEWS (please see contact details below). Should you opt-out, MEWS shall retain only such data necessary for the provision of services in accordance with the rules set out in this policy.

V. Data Sharing

Your personal data shall not be shared or provided without your consent to any third party except for the following situations: (a) data are necessary for provision of services by MEWS (i.e. if you place such an order where the provision of your personal data to a Contracting party is indispensable – e.g., within reservation process), (b) MEWS is obliged to provide the personal data on the basis of law or an order of public authority, or (c) it is specifically allowed by applicable legal regulations. Should the applicable legal regulations prohibit that, your personal data shall never be shared with any third party.

Personal data as described in letter (a) shall be provided exclusively to the Contracting parties enlisted on the website www.mewssystems.com, or to providers of infrastructure enlisted at the hotel website. The personal data are provided to these processors only based on mutually agreed contractual terms safeguarding the security of personal data in line with applicable legal regulations.

Your personal data shall not be shared with any third party for other purposes than those described in this Privacy policy.

VI. Data Security

MEWS shall ensure that your personal data are stored securely. Therefore, it has introduced adequate physical, technical and organisational measures and plans protecting and securing information collected via services of MEWS.

The aim is to eliminate unauthorised or unlawful processing of your personal data, or accidental, unauthorised or unlawful access, use, transferring, processing, copying, transmitting, alteration, loss or damage of your personal data. Despite all efforts and meeting all rules set out by applicable legal regulations, it is not possible to ensure the security of your data, if they are transferred or transmitted in an unsecured way.

MEWS protects your data in the following ways:

Using cryptography, where necessary
Using password protection, where necessary
Restricting access to your personal data (i.e. access to your personal data is granted only to those employees/personnel of MEWS for whom the access is indispensable for the purposes described herein).
These measures do not deprive you of your duties to undertake proper steps in order to secure your personal data. You should, inter alia, regularly change your passwords. On the other hand, you should not, inter alia, use predictable usernames and passwords, share your password with other persons, or grant access to your User account and/or to your personal data to other persons.

VII. Changes in Privacy Policy

MEWS shall, from time to time, change and update the terms of this Privacy policy. You shall be informed on any changes in this Privacy policy and you shall obtain a copy of the amended policy either via your User account or via e-mail you have provided to MEWS.

VIII. Contact Details

Should you wish to know more about MEWS, its protection of your privacy and about this Privacy policy, you can contact MEWS at info@mewssystems.com.

You have a right to be provided with details of personal data processed by MEWS and require correction or deletion of your personal data. You can contact MEWS at info@mewssystems.com, should you have any such request.

Please help MEWS ensure that the information about you is up-to-date. If you assume that some of the data processed by MEWS is incorrect, please contact MEWS at info@mewsystems.com.